Envision Level Up Program

Level Up - Supporting Education

How does Level Up support Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC)? 

“The expanded core curriculum outlines the unique educational needs that students who are blind or visually impaired have beyond the standard core curriculum. They offer a child more choices in life by reinforcing independence, building personal skills and strengths, and by giving them a strong sense of self-confidence in the ability to achieve their life goals.” – American Printing House for the Blind

Envision incorporates aspects of all nine core areas of Expanded Core Curriculum within Level Up, from our weeklong residential programs for middle school and high school students, to our ongoing monthly chats, tutoring, mentoring and resource library.

Our programs immerse students in age appropriate activities where they can learn and grow skills necessary for independence and Self Determination. Students are instructed in effective use of Assistive Technology and we encourage them to engage all of their Senses and Compensatory skills during program activities. Materials are made accessible using print braille, accessible digital files, tactile graphics and tools, and students are encouraged to bring and utilize their own adaptive devices.  

Students participate in Orientation and Mobility sessions at the onset of the program to get the layout of their rooms, classrooms, meeting spaces and general campus navigation to promote independence during their time at Level Up. Campus dorm housing helps students put into practice their Independent Living Skills. Students are expected to organize their belongings in a way that is effective for them, learn how to share communal spaces with others, manage their time to ensure they are punctual for their sessions and meet their own personal hygiene needs. Staff offer feedback to help improve areas where a student might be struggling. 

Throughout the week, students engage in dynamic Social Interaction with their peers, professionals and community members. Learning how to communicate effectively and engage others in conversation that is stimulating and beneficial is important for functional daily living. Our wide variety of sessions in both technology and STEAM offer students a unique hands-on experience to explore new and exciting Educational opportunities and potential Career fields. Day and evening activities include choice opportunities for Recreation and Leisure, including music, physical fitness, games and entertainment. 

"At Level Up, we believe in setting high expectations, because we know that students who are blind or visually impaired are extremely capable if provided opportunities and the right tools to succeed."

Hannah Christenson, Director of Community Programs

Two participants at Level Up shop at a local clothing store.

"Envision’s Level Up High School Conference encourages Self-Advocacy during all aspects of the program. Each student participates in daily leadership sessions where resumes are constructed and refined. Additionally, students develop an elevator pitch and practice networking."

quote from an educator

How does the Level Up High School Conference support the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)? 

Through several partnerships with Wichita State University colleges and departments, each student can choose from a variety of sessions facilitated by professionals in the field. One session option focuses on “Tackling Transition” and discusses potential paths available once students have completed high school, including Post-Secondary Education and/or Job Exploration

Hands-on STEAM sessions provide students a unique opportunity to Explore Potential Career Fields like Cyber Security, Engineering, Culinary Arts and Audio/Video Production, led by professionals currently working in that field. 

By offering choices, students get to have autonomy and truly become invested and engaged in the program. The week concludes with our College and Career Expo where students put into practice what they have been working on during the week. They can engage with exhibitors from Colleges, Universities, Businesses and Resource Agencies to gather information and materials that they can use to help guide their transition out of high school, including access to internships for Work-based Learning.