ECDC Children Transform Wichita Public Library Book Bus with Crafts | Envision Blog

ECDC Children Transform Wichita Public Library Book Bus with Crafts

By Beth Walker • Jun 27, 2024
Charlotte being held by a teacher watching as the teacher pins her bug to the ceiling.

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Children at our Envision Child Development Center (ECDC) created artwork during one of their weekly classes at our Envision Arts Program in June and had a field trip to hang them up inside the Wichita Public Library Book Bus! Our ECDC and Arts Program have partnered with the Wichita Public Library in many capacities for the last 14 years. The Book Bus debuted last November at the Wichita Advanced Learning Library and brings library services directly to children and caregivers who don’t have quick access to a physical library. On the bus, you can get a library card, browse a small selection of primarily children’s books, return materials and connect to Wi-Fi.  

During the Envision Arts Gallery’s opening night in March featuring artwork from blind artist Clarke Reynolds, the Book Bus stopped by, and many gallery visitors were able to experience the bus with their children. Bri Croston, Envision Arts Assistant, experienced the Book Bus for the first time in March and instantly knew that the ECDC children would love to experience it. “When Racine Zackula, family literacy coordinator for the Wichita Public Library, stopped by with the Book Bus, I instantly clicked with her,” said Croston. “I had mentioned that we should partner sometime with the ECDC children to do an activity, and she mentioned that she would need help decorating the interior of the bus soon. A month later, we were connecting and making plans!”  

The children created paper bugs and helped hang them up on the ceiling of the bus. These crafts matched perfectly with the theme of “camping” that Zackula was going for. Our ECDC and Envision Arts Program are proud to support the Wichita Public Library and its Book Bus.